All GPs and specialists in private clinics can access free interpreter services for any Medicare-eligible consultations.
Interpreters can be booked in advance to ensure their availability for consultations. To provide the best language support, interpreters are sourced from across Australia. On-site interpreters can also be arranged free of charge, subject to regional availability on the requested day. It is advisable to schedule on-site interpreters at least two weeks in advance.
Record the patient’s need for an interpreter, along with their preferred language(s) and ethnicity (if known), in their chart for future reference. Additionally, document the use of an interpreter in the patient’s record, including the interpreter’s code.
Our vision is to serve our community with care and the highest medical service quality, seeing each of our patients as individuals. Our team is dynamic and energetic, with the common purpose of giving our patients exceptional service.
All GPs in private clinics can access free interpreter services for any Medicare-eligible consultations.
Interpreters can be booked in advance to ensure their availability for consultations. To provide the best language support, interpreters are sourced from across Australia. On-site interpreters can also be arranged free of charge, subject to regional availability on the requested day. It is advisable to schedule on-site interpreters at least two weeks in advance.
Our vision is to serve our community with care and the highest medical service quality, seeing each of our patients as individuals.
National Relay Service (NRS)
If you cannot use an ordinary phone due to deafness or hearing or speech impairment, making calls through the NRS can help you stay in touch and contact emergency services.
There are a number of relay call options. For a list of relay call options, go to their website or contact their Help Desk on the following:
For hearing impaired National Auslan Booking Services offer sign language interpreting for consultations- booking is required.
Expression Australia:
The practice has a strong community feel and is popular among the locals and their families.
we do and provide the following:-
In the event of an emergency please dial 000
Our team is always here for you.
We care about our patients.